Here’s a summary of projects where I have provided consulting. Clients confidential.

Discovery: Supported a mature security IT company to utilize chip over runs as a vector for further profit. The company was looking for new channels for sales and we indicated first steps. Also connected the R&D Principal to a consulting firm with the specific vertical domain knowledge and associates they need.

IT Design: Awarded a grant for designing a low code architecture to make an audit trail for  AI determination on a private distributed ledger that’s easy to deploy. Utilizing Docker Node-red Couch DB and Hyper-ledger Fabric

ChatBots: Created a prototype chat bot using IBM Watson assistant to demo a chat interface for students teachers and administrators to communicate with each other better in school. The innovative use was the proposed integration of each stakeholder in the domain of the bots knowledge system,

Video Game Consulting: Chatted with Startup Video Game Studio to determine current assets that could be sold with little effort in order to make them a more attractive investment opportunity.We determined the correct monetization for their assets at hand.

Video Game Deployment: Launched casual video game in Google Play Store utilizing iap, freemium, and pay to remove ads.

Development Strategy: Helped a chatbot startup re-conceptualize their working style by using node-red as a visual IDE for brainstorming with principals. Previously coding was handled entirely by a single developer in a text based IDE and was opaque – this way the owners of the project can get more hands on and the developer can show work accomplished visually.

Social media and marketing: Bespoke use of Twitter API to ingest, evaluate and retweet according to sentiment score. Designed and implemented the solution using  IBM blue-mix. We promoted ticket sales for a business conference with this and drove traffic to the ticket link – which we tracked and monitored as an independent third party to ensure ticket sales were being split with affiliates correctly.